Photon & Stardust: the Spirit of Movement

the essence of movement

Once again I would like to review  a metaphore used by sensei not long ago. He spoke about “photon & stardust” to me, it is the best way to explain how things should happen in the dôjô.

From our perspective, a photon is invisible. Stardust in space is also invisiable to us. A photon is moving at the speed of light in space and stardust is moving also at a permanent speed. Now until they meet there is o way for you to see them. When they collide a spark of light is created. This spark is the movement/technique. Both the photon and the stardust become visible when the spark of light appears. Before the collision they “are non existent” (to our senses), after they are not existent any more. When you fight your opponent what happens is identical.

In  “l‘esprit du geste“* this is what I tried to explain. There is no thinking process, no intention, only a spark of light. In a fight, there is no technique there is only an opportunity of possibility. It is only a probability of occurrence. Adapt!

Chi does not think

Sui does not think

Ka does not think

does not think

does not think

So why do you think? the sixth element shiki (consciousness) appears, it is not the product of the analytical brain. It is given as everything in Nature, natural movement is only that.

*the book is now translated into English and  soon available.

Author: kumablog

I share here on a regular basis my thoughts about the Bujinkan martial arts, training in Japan and all over the world, and

One thought on “Photon & Stardust: the Spirit of Movement”

  1. I looked up the word for photon which is KOUSHI and it had several interesting meanings. Some of them apart from photon are :
    1.bringing into circulation
    these meanings have very similar connotations as the ones implied by your explanation. In a sense that both come into ‘existence’ when they are perceived
    I used to wonder the context in which photons and stellar dust were used by Sensei. Now, I have a better idea about it. This has also made my understanding of attacking like a virus clearer. They are not perceived by us and only on ‘collision’ they become apparent.
    Thank you


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